Seaward News

News stories, articles and case studies from the experts.

PAT Testing News Round-Up - Issue 22 PAT Testing News Round-Up - Issue 22
PAT Testing News Round-Up - Issue 22

This issue covers: PlugSafe highlights electrical safety concerns Clarification on PAT labelling New advice on electrical safety management Electrical fault kills family pe...

PAT Testing News Round-Up - Issue 21 PAT Testing News Round-Up - Issue 21
PAT Testing News Round-Up - Issue 21

This issue covers: Energy saving devices pose safety threat Electrical fault causes electrocution of plumber Apollo lift off at Safety and Health Expo 2013 Electrical indus...

Compliance & Precision News Round-Up - Issue 18 Compliance & Precision News Round-Up - Issue 18
Compliance & Precision News Round-Up - Issue 18

This issue covers: The hidden dangers behind electrical appliance recalls India sets out electronic product standards DO4000: Keeping rail resistance measurement and testing o...

Fixed Electrical Appliance Testing with the New Apollo 600 Fixed Electrical Appliance Testing with the New Apollo 600
Fixed Electrical Appliance Testing with the New Apollo 600

Seaward’s latest multi-purpose portable appliance tester is specially equipped to carry out the ‘point to point’ testing of fixed appliances, as recommended by the 4th editi...

Compliance & Precision News Round-Up - Issue 17 Compliance & Precision News Round-Up - Issue 17
Compliance & Precision News Round-Up - Issue 17

This issue covers: HAE launches new electrical safety guidance HAL for added flash to PCB testing in the USA Electrical product safety under the spotlight Consumer goods m...

PAT Testing News Round-Up - Issue 20 PAT Testing News Round-Up - Issue 20
PAT Testing News Round-Up - Issue 20

This issue covers: Point to Point Testing with the new Apollo 600 Apollo 600 lands at Elex Harrogate ESC begins electrical safety register campaign HAE launches new electri...

Apollo Establishes A Whole New Approach To PAT Testing Apollo Establishes A Whole New Approach To PAT Testing
Apollo Establishes A Whole New Approach To PAT Testing

Seaward’s latest electrical safety tester establishes a brand new approach to portable appliance testing. Uniquely, the innovative new Apollo 600 is equipped with onboard risk ...

PAT Testing News Round-Up - Issue 19 PAT Testing News Round-Up - Issue 19
PAT Testing News Round-Up - Issue 19

This issue covers: Revised PAT Guidance Will Require a New Approach HSE Penalises Electrical Faults HSE Reinforces Importance of Risk Assessment PAT Risk Assessment Explai...

Compliance & Precision News Round-Up - Issue 16 Compliance & Precision News Round-Up - Issue 16
Compliance & Precision News Round-Up - Issue 16

This issue covers: Safety Warning on Beko Tumble Dryers Jewson Tool Hire Invests in Safety New Vacuum Cleaner Regulations Drafted DO4000 Keeps Resistance Measurement On Tr...

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