Cropico 00 Series

Cropico 00 Series

High accuracy decade boxes with versatile wide ohm range

A versatile range of resistance decade boxes available in 5, 6 & decades. High accuracy and wide range 0.001Ω to 11 MΩ are combined in a compact lightweight metal case.

Cropico 00 Series

005/6/8 High Accuracy Resistance Decade Boxes / 5, 6  & 8 Decades + Special Models for Pt100 Simulation.

A versatile range of resistance decade boxes available in 5, 6 & 8 decades. High Accuracy and wide range 0.001ohm to 11Megohms are combined in a compact lightweight case. The switches have gold plated contacts to ensure a low contact resistance and negligible thermal emf. Some resistance decade box models are particularly suited to Pt100 simulation with resolution as low as 0.001ohm (0.0025°C). High Accuracy Resistance Decade Boxes / 5, 6 & 8 Decades.

The switches have gold plated contacts to ensure a low contact resistance and negligible thermal E.M.F.

Some models employ the Waidner Wolf technique to eliminate any errors due to switch contact resistance and are particularly suited to Pt100 simulation with resolution as low as 0.001Ω (»0.0025°C).

Technical Specifications

008 006 005 Decade Accuracy Current Max mA
        10 x 0.001Ω ±2% 2000
  10 x 0.01Ω ±1% 2000
10 x 0.1Ω ±0.5% 2000
10 x 1Ω ±0.2% 600
10 x 10Ω ±0.01% 200
10 x 100Ω ±0.01% 60
    10 x 1kΩ ±0.01% 20
      10 x 10kΩ ±0.01% 6
          10 x 100kΩ ±0.01% 2

Model No. Decades Total Resistance Resolution Suitable for Pt100 Simulation Resolution °C when Simulating Pt100 Residual Resistance Part Numbers
005-B 5 1,112.10Ω 0.01 0.025 930164
006-A 6 1,112.11Ω 0.001 0.0025 930165
006-B 6 11,112.10Ω 0.01 0.025 930166
006-C 6 111,111Ω 0.1     0.07Ω 930167
008-A 8 111,112.11Ω 0.001 0.0025 930168
008-B 8 1,111,112.1Ω 0.01 0.025 930169

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