How to delete data or reset factory settings on your Apollo 400+?

The following document is intended to be a troubleshooting guide to help you to delete data, restore / reset factory settings on your Apollo Series. Please check all aspects of this before contacting the technical support helpline.

1. Please register your Apollo to receive an additional 12 months warranty plus full access to Product Support. You can do this at or by completing the form in the “Care and Support” card and returning by post.

2. Please ensure your Apollo has the latest firmware installed, to do this please see the following link:

To delete a single test results on the Apollo Series:

3. From the Apollo “Home Screen” home select menu/options, function key “F4”.

4.Select “View Data”, by selecting number “1”  

Note: You will require test data to be already stored on the instrument to do this.

5. Select an asset using the arrow keys and function key “F4” Description: D:\Documents and Settings\ColinB\Desktop\Apollo\ApolloUserManual\accept.png .

6. Individual test results can be deleted using the function key “F3” , accept this by selecting “Yes” or by pressing the “Y” key when asked if you want to “Item Delete”.

Note: The above process will only delete an individual test result, it will not delete the asset information.

To reset factory settings / delete data or clear Bluetooth settings on the Apollo Series:

7. Select menu/options, function key “F4”, to display the “Test Results Option”  .

8.In the menu select “Memory” by using the arrow keys or selecting, key number “8”   (Apollo 500 or 600 only).


In the menu select “Memory” by using the arrow keys or selecting, key number “7”   (Apollo 400 only).

9. In the “Memory Usage” page select function key “F4” .

10. Using the blue arrow keys the items to be “Set”, “Restored” or “Deleted” can be selected using the function key “F3” Description: D:\Documents and Settings\ColinB\Desktop\Apollo\ApolloUserManual\accept.png.

11. To proceed with this action select function key “F4” save.

12. Finally, confirm by selecting “Yes” by pressing the “Y” key when asked if you want to save changes.

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