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Compliance & Precision News Round-Up - Sept 2011

The September issue of our Compliance & Precision News Round-Up - A bulletin that contains the latest test & measurement news has now been published.

Unsafe Mobile Phone Chargers

Birmingham City Council’s Trading Standards office has recovered a large supply of potentially dangerous mobile phone chargers from a local warehouse...
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Electrical Product Safety Conference

The Electrical Safety Council’s (ESC) second Electrical Product Safety Conference will be held in London on 26th October...
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Low resistance standard proposed

A formal international Standard is proposed for the method of measurement and associated test conditions for low resistance values of less than 1 ohm...
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Report on unsafe consumer products

The Commission of the European Union (EU) has released statistics on notices of unsafe consumer products that have been processed through...
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Manufacturing standards under scrutiny in India

India needs to develop better standards to push the domestic manufacturing of electronic products in line with international practices...
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First UK national EPSRC Centre for Innovative Manufacturing

Following the announcement of £45m from the Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC) for the creation of nine...
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Seaward Safetest shines at leading lighting manufacturer

One of the UK’s leading manufacturers of commercial lighting is now using the Clare Safetest Manufacturing electrical safety tester...
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Cropico microhmmeter digs deep at quarry electrical safety testing house

A high performance Cropico microhmmeter is being used by certification, testing and inspection house Bureau Veritas to test the safety of cables installed in quarries operated by contractors across Britain...
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Seaward cooks up safety test success at leading catering manufacturer

The standard of electrical safety testing at one of the world’s leading producers of commercial catering equipment has been improved thanks to the advanced ClareHAL 104 from Seaward...
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