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Electrical wiring manufacturer plugs into benefits of Clare analyser

A leading manufacturer of prefabricated electrical connector and cable assemblies is using the Clare Horizon high voltage wiring analyser to test the electrical safety of its units during the production process.

Apex Wiring Solutions produces prefabricated electrical units which replace the traditional wiring of electrical sub-circuits used in applications as diverse as hospitals, schools and oil rigs.

These units are quick and easy to use, reducing on-site installation time by up to 70%.

The company has been using two Horizon analysers at its manufacturing site in Durham where they have substantially reduced the time taken to test the electrical safety and continuity of upwards of 300 units produced daily.

Apex use Clare wiring analyser to test the electrical safety of its electrical cable and connector assemblies. Apex Wiring have been using Clare´s high voltage
wiring analyzers to test the electrical safety of its units.

Units have to be tested to ensure that they are safe to use by people following on-site installation.

Previously, Apex had been using a conventional multi-metre for production line testing and checking the point-to-point nodes on its products, which could take up to four minutes to complete per unit.

Now, using the Horizon, electrical safety test times have been reduced to approximately 10 seconds per unit, providing significant savings in time, cost and resources for Apex.

David Stout, technical manager engineer at Apex, said a further benefit of using Horizon is its ease-of-programming and ‘intuitive’ capabilities.

“Horizon doesn’t require physical programming. Instead, we simply connect to the master sample, run the software and let it learn for itself the points which need to be tested.

“This is very beneficial, saving a great deal of time and effort on the part of the engineering team.

“Overall, Horizon fulfils all our testing requirements and has impressed with its performance in the demanding production environment.”

Horizon is a high performance bench-top analyser which meets the requirement for an easy-to-use, fully integrated and flexible data management tool offering virtually unlimited data storage and reporting capabilities.

Tough, portable and reliable, the instrument is designed for Hipot testing up to 1500V DC/1067V AC within the most demanding of production test environment.

It features a powerful built-in PC with flash memory and eight digital I/0, while the Windows-based operating system and integral colour touch screen enables the user to undertake quick and easy test programming.

Up to 128-point testing can be carried out with the Horizon II while the product’s versatility enables expansion up to 1024 points, with the capability of switching 1A and HiPot testing up to 1500v DC and/or 1067V AC.

A real-time temperature and humidity on-screen display and label printer support provides also offers improved performance.

Other features include built-in ‘START’ and ‘STOP’ buttons, simple and easy-to-understand on-screen user help tips and a redesigned adapter retention system which significantly improves user load/unload times.

Horizon is extremely versatile – it can be operated as a standalone tester, integrated into automated assembly/test lines or networked. More at or Tel: 0191 587 8741.

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