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How do I download data from the UniPulse 400 to Med-eBase?

This application note details how to download results and communicate between the Uni-Pulse 400 and Med-eBase

On Med-eBase

1) First open Med-eBase Version 2.3 or higher

2) Select the Download from Tester icon which is situated on the top left hand side of the screen or in Tools and Download…

3) Select UniPulse-400 from the drop down list and confirm the COM port for the USB serial connection.

4) Then select Ok.

On The Uni-Pulse 400

5) From the main menu Select Data by selecting the enter key and then use the up and down arrows to select how you would like to search for the results to download; Asset ID, Make, Model, Serial number etc. then select F5 Search to find results.

6) Selecting F4 Download to PC allows the user the either Download selected items or Download all search items?

7) Then confirm selection with F4 confirm.

8) Then select USB or Bluetooth. Then confirm selection with F4 confirm.

Note: Currently Med-eBase transfer can only be conducted via USB.

9) During transfer a bar appears on both Med-eBase and the Uni-Pulse

10) When the download is complete and summary box appears on Med-eBase to enable the user to view what has been downloaded successfully.

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